Little Brick Out

  • Ein Computerspiel von Steve Wozniak ... mit einer schönen Hintergrundgeschichte & nicht unmaßgeblichem Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des Apple II ... zufällig auf einer System Master entdeckt & neugierig geworden ...

    ...a version of the game called Little Brick Out was included on the DOS 3.2 System Master disk for the Apple II.

    Breakout directly influenced Wozniak's design for the Apple II computer. He said, "A lot of features of the Apple II went in because I had designed Breakout for Atari. I had designed it in hardware. I wanted to write it in software now."[20] This included his design of color graphics circuitry, the addition of game paddle support and sound, and graphics commands in Integer BASIC, with which he wrote Little Brick Out, a software clone of his own hardware game.[21] Wozniak said in 1984:[6]

    "Basically, all the game features were put in just so I could show off the game I was familiar with—Breakout—at the Homebrew Computer Club. It was the most satisfying day of my life [when] I demonstrated Breakout—totally written in BASIC. It seemed like a huge step to me. After designing hardware arcade games, I knew that being able to program them in BASIC was going to change the world."

  • "Little Brick Out" ist genau genommen die Applesoft Portierung des Spiels. Daneben gibt es noch die Integer Variante "Brick out", die auf noch älteren DOS Disketten bzw. auf der System Master DOS 3.2 für Apple II (nicht plus) zu finden ist.

    Im Red Book Handbuch findet sich noch so ein Schätzchen, eine Apple II Version von Pong als Listing. Wenn ich mich recht entsinne, habe ich diese aber noch nie zum Laufen gebracht. -> Projekt für ein nächstes Treffen!
