mein CBM 8032 (No. 2) mit Commodore High Speed Graphik

  • If I pre-process the coordinates to generate delta's and vector directions and save into memory and then just cycle through the numbers you get a slightly smoother/faster rotation but it is not massively different. The original one processed the delta's and vector directions on the fly.

  • AndyG

    Ok, now lets program something like DOOM! :love: :S

    I think something like a port of Elite would also be great! :)

    OK - doing more with this card did spark some curiosity (not necessary Elite or Doom :)) ..

    I have explored what's available on the NET and one thing I have discovered is that to do anything fast with 3D wireframes on the HSG board you need matrix rotation routines & transformations in 6502 code. I have found information pertaining to the BBC micro but nothing for the PET. Doing them in basic is easy but very slow.

    It will be a very time consuming job translating what is highly optimised code for the BBC micro to the PET - doable but very time-consuming.

    Long shot but has anyone got any 6502 PET routines that perform matrix operations ?

    (found something for the C64 but that was using multiplication formulae and is slow)