Yareks HD Rom für Amsdos

  • Hallo Yarek hat ein neues Beta/Testrom erstellt mit dem man von Amsods aus auf die HD direkt auf DSKs zugreifen kann.
    Selbst habe ich es noch nicht getestet, leider keine Zeit.
    Das ganze Rom zum testen gibts hier:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip">http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip</a><!-- m -->
    Feedback über die Future OS Yahoo Group währe für Yarek super, da er sonst keine Betatester in seinem Umfeld hat...

    Hier die Readme:

    This is first alpha test release of AmsDOS patched to use
    diskimages on harddisk. This is all termporary now, so
    can change.

    This can be tested with both emulators and real hardware.
    Please TAKE CARE to not damage YOUR DATA!

    1. Put the DISK1.ROM in place of AmsDOS (bank 7).
    2. Select Symbiface IDE emulation or connect it.
    3. Use an empty diskimage or empty disk.
    4. For CPCE 1.84 you can try the included image.
    5. Find a spare 180kB/360kB on harddisk.
    6. Calculate LBA of first sector and POKE it.
    7. Set PARADOS config according to diskimage size.
    8. Set drive config according to XDPB (FSN,SPT).
    9. Make sure the variables have correct values.
    10. Try to copy files, while disks, etc.

    Caution! This may destroy your data if you don't know
    what you do!

    The variables:
    #BAEE 2 bytes (used by DSKHNDLR to count time, ignore)
    #BAF0 4 bytes - LBA of start sector for Drive A
    #BAF4 4 bytes - LBA of start sector for Drive B
    #BAF8 1 byte - config for Drive A (see below)
    #BAF9 1 byte - config for Drive B (see below)
    #BAFA 5 bytes (reserved for PARADOS, ignore)
    #BAFF 1 byte - PARADOS config (see below)

    Config for drive:
    bits 0..3 - number of sectors per track: 8, 9, 10 or 11.
    bits 4..7 - high nibble of first sector number (e.g. #C0)
    bit 3 must be set to redirect for harddisk redirection.

    PARADOS config:
    bit 7 - A: Head use when single-sided (Normally 0)
    bit 6 - A: Single stepping (0) or double-stepping (1).
    bit 5 - A: Number of tracks per side (0 = 40, 1 = 80).
    bit 4 - A: Number of sides, single-sided (0) or double-sided (1).
    bit 3 - B: Head use when single-sided (Normally 0)
    bit 2 - B: Single stepping (0) or double-stepping (1).
    bit 1 - B: Number of tracks per side (0 = 40, 1 = 80).
    bit 0 - B: Number of sides, single-sided (0) or double-sided (1).
    These bits describe diskimage size and properties.

    Files in this archive:
    DISK1.ROM - patched AmsDOS - redirection to Symbiface IDE.
    CPCE_HDA.BIN - example diskimage for CPCE emulator.
    README!.TXT - this file.

    Jarek Adamski, 2007-09-27 15:24

    Wie man in den Wald hineinschreit...

  • Ich habs auch gesehen, aber ehrlich gesagt ist mir das zu kompliziert. Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, dann braucht man einen freien, unpartitionierten Platz auf der Festplatte, wo man dann die Datei abspeichert. Von dieser Datei muss man dann die LBA Adresse ausfindig machen und an die entsprechenden Poken.
    So gerne ich das mal testen wuerde, aber das ist nix fuer mich :-(.

  • Ich hab dem Jarek mal angeschrieben. Ich müßte es mit den SymbOS-FAT-Routinen hinbekommen, ein Standalone-Tool zu schreiben (als ROM am besten), das den User ein DSK auswählen läßt und den ersten Sector davon dann an Jareks ROM übergibt. Außerdem findet das halt raus, ob das DSK schön brav vorbildlich in einem Stück auf Platte liegt oder nicht. Im letzten Falle sagt es dann "Geht nicht", oder der Jarek unterstützt ne Cluster-Table anstatt nur dem Startcluster.
    Das wär doch mal was :)


  • Hy, update des DSK-Amsods-Roms...

    Hier das aktuelle:


    I've made some advance in redirecting AmsDOS to HDD.

    How it works now:

    1. The DISK1.ROM replaces AmsDOS (bank 7). DR LOGO was
    removed due to lack of space. Code takes over 1kB and adding
    more features would require about 1kB more.

    2. Symbiface IDE must be connected or emulation of it enabled.

    3. The disk must be formatted to IDEDOS structure. Currently
    this is done manually. The included image "CPCE_HDA.BIN" is
    for CPCE 1.84 emulator. It mimics a 32MB Compact Flash of
    geometry 512/4/32. To use with other emulator, remove the 512
    bytes header from start to get raw data and add headers
    required by the emulator or copy to similar CF card.
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://8bit.yarek.pl/system/fs.idedos/">http://8bit.yarek.pl/system/fs.idedos/</a><!-- m -->

    4. The only supported diskimages now are DATA of geometry
    1/40/9 and #C1 first sector number. XDPB is not updated!

    5. You can select diskimages using `LOAD"^.nnn`, where `nnn`
    is number of diskimage range `000` to `999`. Currently, the
    harddisk image contains two diskimages, so you can swap them

    6. Setting wrong diskimage number in `LOAD"^.nnn` should
    redirect drive to floppy. The normal way is to use

    TO DO is:
    - Creation of IDEDOS partition from AmsDOS level.
    - Creation of diskimages from AmsDOS level.
    - Listing names of diskimages (the superdisk).
    - Test of diskimages placed over #0010000 LBA.
    - Selection of diskimages number over 99.
    - Updating of XDPB using partition information.
    - Updating PARADOS config byte for double side diskimages.
    - Support of IDE8255 (DSKHNDLR to be written).
    - Integration with PARADOS code to support more formats.
    - Separation of PARADOS |DRIVE tool to other ROM bank.
    - Calling the superdisk with `LOAD"^`.
    - Selecting diskimage from superdisk.

    Let the code be with you!
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip">http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip</a><!-- m -->

    Caution! Make backups of your important data before
    testing this! It may have dangerous bugs!

    Jarek Adamski

    und hier das Rom:

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip">http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip</a><!-- m -->

    Wie man in den Wald hineinschreit...

  • Schon gabs das nächste Alpha 3 update...

    I've made the superdisk. Now you can type:
    This selects the superdisk, that lists (|DIR)
    names of diskimages. From the superdisk the
    diskimage can be selected by its name, without
    the '^' sign. So you can type:
    The name is not important, so you can also type
    to select the diskimage 001. But the full name
    allows to use full screen fileselectors.

    There's also a way to redirect to floppy, use
    one of:

    Other items from TO DO list are not made, see:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip">http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip</a><!-- m -->

    Jarek Adamski

    Wie man in den Wald hineinschreit...

  • Da gabs heute wieder was neues:


    The current version is based on main part of PARADOS,
    not on AmsDOS. The |DRIVE fullscreen tool was removed
    giving over 6kB space. The code now upgrades XDPB after
    selecting diskimage and supports two-sided diskimages.
    However, it looks like, the ALV is not set correctly to
    larger buffer than the original (so, the limit is 184

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip">http://cpc.yarek.com/amsdos2.zip</a><!-- m -->

    To do is:
    - Creation of diskimages from AmsDOS level.
    - Creation of IDEDOS partition from AmsDOS level.
    - Support for Vortex 704 format.
    - Fine tuning.

    Jarek Adamski

    Wie man in den Wald hineinschreit...