AMIBLITZ³ freie Entwicklungsumgebung für AmigaOS3.x

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]

    AMIBLITZ³ ist eine freie Entwicklungsumgebung für AmigaOS3.x und Kompatible. Um zu erläutern, was es mit AMIBLITZ³ auf sich hat, muß man bei BlitzBasic beginnen.

    BlitzBasic, später BlitzBasic2, ist ein ursprünglich von Acidsoft und Red When Excited (RWE) für den Amiga entwickelter, umfangreicher und ein wenig eigenwilliger Basic-Dialekt. Trotz der Popularität, die dieser in den 90er Jahren erreichte, sah man sich bei Acidsoft nach der Commodore-Pleite und dem nachfolgenden Niedergang des Amiga Marktes dazu gezwungen, die Entwicklung von BlitzBacic2 auf dem Amiga einzustellen und sich ausschließlich einer Version für Windows-PCs zu widmen.

    Auf Bestreben von Bernd Roesch durfte die Amiga-Version disassembliert und weiterenwickelt werden. Um eine Verwechslung mit der PC-Version zu vermeiden, firmiert diese mittlerweile überarbeitete Amiga-Version seitdem unter dem Namen AMIBLITZ².

    Mit der Umgestaltung und Modernisierung der Entwicklungsumgebung sowie der gesamten Dateistruktur erfolgte die konsequente Fortführung der Namensgebung zu AMIBLITZ³.

    Amiblitz³ V3.6.1 Aktuelle Version vom 07.07.2014
    Amiblitz³ Homepage
    Amiblitz³ Forum

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r503] (HEAD) by blackab3
    - improve image.include.ab3 and png.include.ab3 to use ab3support.library now.
    - Change Tools/AB3FDConvert to use new pathes of Amiblitz3.
    - New Deflibsfile to use new converted muimaster.library1 V3.9

    [r502] (HEAD) by derwanderer
    Added class scan functions to NTUI
    Added NTUI folder to "Examples", including hello world, an application and a demo to list classes

    [r501] (HEAD) by derwanderer
    Made NTUI/main.ab3 compile again

    [r500] by tomsmart1
    Removed noFPU Version because they doesn't work and I have no time to fix it !

    [r499] by tomsmart1
    - push Version to 2.0
    - change the detection of the function nodes end
    - renamed variables to get rid of $ in the name
    - fixed the count of the function indexnode to support the full 256 possible nodes entrys
    - change the node scan that only the known nodes are tested
    - remove double scan for the entry if it selected via GUI
    - added scan of the complete file for function nodes that are NOT in the TABLE OF CONTENTS and if there is no table
    - made the autoscan switchable via Tooltype and cli arg
    - change the detection of the keywords and expand the keyword list
    - added the (un)lock of the window
    - removed double versionstrings
    - moved code to subroutines to remove double code
    - fixed the use of the windowsettings via CLI
    - fixed app drop new exe + update Icon Docs/AmigaLibs/wizard1.doc
    - fixed function node marker so Ab3AutodocViewer are now able to detect the end of the node and sthe start of the next

    [r498] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - added the reduce of the allowed IDCMP-Flags and Event for the sourcewindow if is set locked and the restore of the flags if the sourcewindow is unlocked
    new exe

    [r497] by tomsmart1
    - deactivate and some unused code and removed some unneeded code
    - added a Lock of all other windows for the Print (window) function
    - added the new macro "setregsformenuexit" and added it to all Menufunctions that use Basic
    This fix and remove event repeats if the Sourcewindow was locked and a event for it happend like
    resize of the window.
    new exe

    [r496] by tomsmart1
    - set/fix for all windows that get no Menu added the Flag "RMBTrap" in PED.wizard this fix the crash
    under MorphOs if the right Mousebutten get pressed if one of this windows are active.
    new exe

    [r495] by tomsmart1
    - fixed "Jump to Sourceline window" to allow to jump to sourcecodeline 1
    - added lock and unlock of all other windows for jump to sourceline window
    new exe

    [r494] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    Includes: PE/wizard_tools
    - added a check for the uesd window to the PopUp-Window funktions the update the window this fix som problems with PEds intellisenes
    - fixed a crash of the intellisens PopUp window with the change of the wizard_tools.include that was introduced with the change of the activesourcewindow function in R492.
    - added the menu to the HelpDiag-window
    new exe

    [r493] by tomsmart1
    - merged the CPU CacheClear functions also added method with CacheClearE and make it selectable with compilerswitches
    - set CacheClearE as the new default method for clearing the CPU Caches this fix the slow compiles on MorphOS
    new exe

    [r492] by tomsmart1
    - added the Lock and Unlock of all open WZ Windows and Sourcewindow to all functions with no global event handling
    like Projekt-, IDE-Stettings-, Menu-Edit-, Calculater-, CLI-Argument-,Compiler-Settings-, Rebuild of Commad
    index- and Aboutwindow.
    - added the activation of the Sourcewindow after closing this windows.
    - cached the basic activation function for the Sourcewindow that it is the used window too.
    new exe

    [r491] by tomsmart1
    - changed Library window to show TokenID in DEC instead of HEX
    new exe

    [r490] by derwanderer
    Recompiled AIDE exe and dbg.

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r506] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    NTUI Includes:
    - freed some space on deinit/exit
    - changed to use pooled mem for .str to reduce memory fragmentation
    - changed to use pooled mem for .str to reduce memory fragmentation
    new exe
    - added free stucture of the parser at exit
    - changed to use pooled mem for .str to reduce memory fragmentation
    new exe

    [r505] by tomsmart1
    NTUI includes:
    - changed used includenames form .bb2 to .ab3
    - set some pointers to Null after they are freed
    - freed used prefixtree at exit
    - add check for Nullpointer access to ntui_FreeObject{}

    [r504] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    NTUI includes:
    - replaced #NULL with Null
    - added all.res in some includes recompiled AIDE

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:


    [r508] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - fix the settings of the Optimize and Syntax level that it not overwrite the main progam!
    - set the Optimize and Syntax level for the NTUI Demos
    - fix the path of the ntui.include
    new exe.

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

    Edited 2 times, last by HelmutH ().

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r512] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - image.inlcude changed the Result of image_GetRPPtr{} to return a Pointer in the format *rp.Rastport!
    Other Include changed to compile with Syntaxlevel 6 only testet with the include internal Demo and Demos from /Examples!
    - all changed to compile with Syntaxlevel 6.
    - dbl_shooter.ab3 fixed Hits with release of the Masks of the Balls use now the image.include function for it.

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r515] (HEAD) by tomsmart1

    - changed Search&Replace window to automatic active the Sourcewin if a botton
    is pressed this make a direct edit possible
    - fix a possible access to a unopen window in the eventcode for the label
    - optimized the Compilerstatus routines
    - optimized routine to show Compileerror
    - replaced hardcode numbers with constants for Rawkeys and Vanillakeys
    - added the possibility to close all windows with ESC-key except the
    source window
    new exe

    [r514] by tomsmart1

    - hashmap.include and preprocessor.include moved new .internal_Demo label that
    it only active if it compile as mainprogam not as include.

    - fixed exit of the program to prevent an access of the dos.library after it
    was closed!
    - relabeled the exit code, remove unused dead code and move some code
    - changed #NULL to Null
    new exe

    [r513] by tomsmart1

    - ab3support and prefixtree fixed the compiling of source that not use the new constant "NO_AB3SUPPORTPFT".
    - hashmap fixed that pathes of the datafiles for the demo and changed #NULL to token Null.

    - Fixed the pathes dor the datafiles and added Freemem calles for the alloced and used Memory of the Demo

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r518] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - image_ext.include changed #NULL and NULL to 0 for optional function
    parameters to make a compile with syntax 6 possible.

    [r517] by tomsmart1
    - replaced #NULL with Null
    - limit the shown sourceline to 40 chars for the error message to prevent to
    width requesters.
    - added the delete of the mempool2 at exit to free the used memory.
    - removed some unused and unneeded sourcecode.
    new exe

    [r516] by tomsmart1
    - added a detection of MorphOS to use the CacheClearE function and all other
    OS use CacheClearU. It was necessary because the compiler crashs on AOS 4
    with the use of CacheClearE.
    new exe

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r520] (HEAD) by tomsmart1

    - added 'Then' in some 'If's for better understanding of the code
    - added a "_" in front of in subroutine labelnames
    - changed a little the layout (added and remove white spaces) for better
    all above changes has no effect for the result exe!

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r527] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - moved new jumps out of the do_Marco routine
    new exe

    [r526] by tomsmart1
    - renamed disassember labels to its name from the orginal source


    [r525] by tomsmart1
    - renamed disassember labels to its name from the orginal source for do_data
    and move a new added jump out of the routine
    new exe

    [r524] by tomsmart1
    - renamed disassember labels to its name from the orginal source


    [r523] by tomsmart1
    - renamed in subroutine labels of writelong and writeword
    - replaced writeinstruction with writeword because it was the same code
    - copy a small part of code from writeword to writelong because it was used
    from both (writelong is a copy of writeword that only differ in one command)
    new exe

    [r522] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some in subroutine labels of write_dim_code and moved the two added
    jumps out of the subroutine also moved used data at the end of the routine
    new exe

    [r521] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some in subroutine labels to have a better overview over start
    and end of the subroutines

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:


    [r535] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - moved jumps out of the doend2 , endstat, do_next and do_let routine
    new exe

    [r534] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some more disassembler labels to its name from the original source
    new exe


    [r533] by tomsmart1
    - removed doubled jumps to error routines helper
    - renamed jumps to error routine helper
    new exe

    [r532] by tomsmart1
    - moved jumps out of the do_newtype and typemode routine
    new exe

    [r531] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some more disassember labels to its name from the orginal source
    new exe


    [r530] by tomsmart1
    - moved jumps out of the do_function routine
    new exe

    [r529] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some more disassember labels to its name from the orginal source


    [r528] by derwanderer
    Small updates on AIDE, ntui, map.include and examples

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r540] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - renamed some more disassembler labels to its name from the original source

    [r539] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some more disassembler labels to its name from the original source

    [r538] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some more disassembler labels to its name from the original source
    - moved the routine "claptonb" because it was inside the fvaradd routine and
    is a partly copy of fvaradd that is only used by do_shared
    new exe

    [r537] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some more disassembler labels to its name from the original source
    - renamed uselib2 to ist original source name usevars because there is a
    original uselib2 routine
    - moved the routine "exit" because it was inside the searchinstruction routine
    new exe

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r547] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - renamed the last disassembler labels of the asm code to its name from the
    original source
    new exe and .dbg file that match the source
    2015-03-26 12:04:44 Tree

    [r546] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some more disassembler labels to its name from the original source
    2015-03-25 15:25:54 Tree

    [r545] by tomsmart1
    - renamed some more disassembler labels to its name from the original source
    2015-03-25 11:37:20 Tree

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • 27.03.2015 BlitzLocale V1.0 von Rob Cranley

    BlitzLocale ist eine Sammlung von Dateien, die die Bedienung in Ihren AmiBlitz Programmen vereinfacht, .
    Es besteht aus einer Include-Datei, ein Werkzeug zum Erzeugen von AmiBlitz Code und
    von .cd Dateien für einen Locale-Katalog, und einige Anwendungsbeispiele.
    Kataloge und .cd Dateien können leicht mit Tools wie SimpleCat oder CatComp einem Texteditor erstellt werden je nachdem welchen Sie bevorzugen.

    Ich benutze diese Dateien für meine eigenen Projekte und dachte, einige andere Leute können auch davon profitieren.

    BlitzLocale erfordert:

    - OS 3.0+ (Getestet auch auf OS4.1)
    - AmiBlitz 3

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r549] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - removed the disassembler labels and there data from internal_errormsg.ab3
    because it was fals interpretation of the errorstring ends by the
    new exe and .dbg file that match the source

    [r548] by tomsmart1
    - renamed the disassembler labels of CLIModeSupport2.ab3 and
    internal_commands.ab3 asm code to its names from the original source

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderungen in AmiBlitz3:

    [r550] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - fixed the longread to $00000014 that in by the last change of the Lib by a tokeniser fail !!
    - renamed 'StrToAdr' function to 'GetGlobalStrAddr' for better match what the function do
    - fixed the NULL function so they need no args and to return 0 if th compiler
    not match
    new obj file
    new DefLibs file
    Update the corresponding Docs and the tokeninfo files.
    !!! !!!
    Importend a update of the Instruction index is needed if you only
    copy over the updated files!
    !!! !!!

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne