AMIBLITZ³ freie Entwicklungsumgebung für AmigaOS3.x

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderung in AmiBlitz3:

    [r561] (HEAD) by derwanderer
    AIDE: fixed tokenizing of '<TOKEN> for local labels

    [r560] by tomsmart1
    - fixed a access of a Variable in CLI-Mode Compile routine.
    - fixed/changed a setting of a variable in CLI-Mode Compile routine so the
    created exe are now 100% identical to the one created with PEd.
    new exe

    [r559] by tomsmart1
    - removed create minimized exe (release exe) amd moved it to the compiler.
    - added routine to create minimized exe. The compiler shows now the right
    number of the compiling pass and normaly it takes 6 to 7 passes with .dbg
    file one pass more is needed.
    - changed the shown status info of the compiling pass that it begins with 1.
    Important the ID of Ped changed because it not compatible with older Compiler
    new exes

    [r558] by tomsmart1
    Ups the new Compiler exe are missed in the last commit here they are.

    [r557] by tomsmart1
    - added One Pass Compiling by using big buffers with then result in very big
    exes 3.5 MB and 12.5MB with Debuginfo.
    It can generaly switched on with the Tooltype "ONEPASSCOMPILING" for the IDE
    or "-1" or "-1pass" as parameter in CLI-Mode. With the Compiliersetting
    "make small exe" it is controlled form the Source. If is set the Compiler use
    2 pass compiling and save a exe with the needed size else try 1 Pass with big
    The compiler will check the available free Mem befor it try to allocat the
    big buffers else it use 2 pass compiling. For non debugging it must 4 time
    3.5 MB and with Debugging it must 2 time 12.5 MB free.
    new exe

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]
    Änderung in AmiBlitz3:

    [r564] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - removed the open and close comFunc_... because its now controled by the gui
    - changed PED ID
    - removed the control to open and close of the compile status window
    - added a check for invailed pathes and filenames for the creation of release
    - added the control to open and close of the compile status window
    NEW EXEs of Compiler,PEd and Debugger because the comdata structur change!
    PEd and the Compiler doesn't work together with older version of the other!

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • 10.12.2015 AmiBlitz³: NtuiCreator V0.7 erschienen

    Aktualisierungen in Version 0.7:

    - Show zeigt nun auch den aktuellen Source der Textbox an. In der Vorversion konnte nur ein eingeladener Source per Show angezeigt werden.

    - Wenn kein Fenster erzeugt oder keine Id angegeben wurde, wird nun eine Fehlermeldung ausgegeben...

    Zum download: NtuiCreator V0.7

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]

    Änderung in AmiBlitz3:

    [r567] (HEAD) by derwanderer
    NTUI: code cleanup, note: for the internal NTUI demo, run the Includes/ntui.include.ab3, DO NOT RUN NTUI/main.ab3
    NTUI: fixed illegal memory access in TextBox when deleting last character in line
    DOS: added getWBStart function to get the pointer to WBStartup struct

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • 13.12.2015 Copacabana V0.5 veröffentlicht

    Eine neue Gui um SVN-Befehle ein wenig einfacher zu handhaben.

    - Sie können es verwenden, um eine Arbeitskopie aus einem Archiv zu überprüfen
    - Aktualisieren einer Arbeitskopie
    - Bereinigen einer Arbeitskopie
    - Anzeigen des Status einer Arbeitskopie
    - Hinzufügen/entfernen von Dateien oder Schubladen aus einem Archiv
    - Anzeigen einiger Infos von Dateien der Arbeitskopie
    - Bereinigen einer gesperrten Arbeitskopie

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]

    Änderung in AmiBlitz3:

    [r568] (HEAD) by derwanderer
    NTUI: ntui_FreeObject allows Null ptr
    NTUI: ntui_Rethink checks for Null ptr
    NTUI: #TUITBA_TEXT now works as expected, returning the whole text of a TextBox in one block
    str.include: added str_Alloc to allocate memory of a string without filling it by another string

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • 26.12.2015 NtuiCreator V1.1 von Blackbird erschienen

    Neu in dieser Version ist:

    - Findstring eingebaut
    - Casesense habe ich nun auch drin....

    Falls irgendwas fehlt oder jemand Vorschläge bringen möchte was besser zu lösen wäre, bitte bescheid geben.

    Zum download: NtuiCreator V1.1

    25.12.2015 Änderungen in Version 1.0
    - Beide Listviews funktionieren nun so wie sie sollen und geben die ausgewählten Attribute in die Textbox aus.
    - Die neu erzeugte Tuiengine gibt nun auch den Event aus. Das bedeutet, man kann nun auf ein erzeugtes
    Gadget klicken und den Event anzeigen lassen. Bei großen Guis sicherlich sehr hilfreich.

    22.12.2015 Änderungen in Version 0.9
    - Die Liste der Gadgets wird nun dynamisch generiert.
    - Alle Attribute werden nun in Listviews angezeigt. Einmal für jedes Object, und einmal global für alle Objekte.
    - HelpButton der Gui zugefügt. Anzeigen/Refresh der Listviews ist nun auch mit dem Button möglich anstatt nur mit der HelpTaste
    - Cli-Start repariert. NtuiCreator startet nun wieder von der Shell aus
    - Neues Label eingebaut das anzeigt ob der Text editiert wurde

  • 06.01.2016 NtuiCreator V1.2 von Blackbird erschienen

    Enthalten ist in dieser Version die Casesensfunktion wie schon angekündigt, und eine Abfrage für die ab3support.library.
    Ein Downloadlink für diese Library ist nun ebenfalls auf der 1. Seite vorhanden.
    Die Screennotify.library wird nicht zwingend benötigt unter OS4.x. Die Auftauchenden Requester kann man ignorieren.
    Das Programm funktioniert trotzdem.

    Zum download: NtuiCreator V1.2

  • 31.01.2016 NtuiCreator V1.4 von Blackbird erschienen

    Die Verbesserungen im einzelnen:

    - einladen von Fragmenten im Menü: Objects/Fragments/Load Fragments eingebaut.
    Fragmente werden auch zusätzlich ins Clipboard kopiert zur weiteren Verwendung.

    - Fragment die abgespeichert werden sollen, können nun einfach in der Textbox selektiert
    und per Menü: Objects/Fragments/Save Fragment gespeichert werden.

    - Online Update eingebaut !
    Ab dieser Version wird es dann möglich sein weitere evtl. erscheinende Updates einfach per Klick auf
    den Updatebutton zu erhalten.

    Zum download: NtuiCreator V1.4

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • 07.02.2016 NtuiCreator V1.5 von Blackbird erschienen

    Änderungen in dieser Version sind:

    - Eventnamenanzeigen sind nun abschaltbar,
    - Bei Objekten die es benötigen, werden nun ganze Funktionsblöcke eingefügt,
    - Fragmente können nun geladen/gespeichert, sowie aus einer Menüliste ausgewählt werden,
    - Bei Programmstart werden Fragmente automatisch eingelesen. Für später gespeicherte Fragmente
    ist ein Menüpunkt zum aktualisieren des Menüs vorhanden.

    Das Update kann entweder hier wie gewohnt auf der ersten Seite geladen, oder mit der neuen
    Onlinefunktion installiert werden.

    Zum download: NtuiCreator V1.5

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]

    Änderung in AmiBlitz3:

    [r570] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - chanded the ComData_GetW and ComData_GetB macro to first clear the full
    destination register, this fix some problems with PutD0 command
    - renamed PEDVersionID constant to ComDataVersionID
    - added comLong_DestBufferSize
    - Changed ComDataVersionID to refeced the changes.
    This result that this Versions of PEd, Compiler und Debugger won't work with
    older Versions
    - fixed a possible endless compile loop if free mem is to small for big alloc
    if OnePassCompiling is active, now it switch back to make small
    - added the set of the destination buffer in the comdata structure for the
    - renamed PEDVersionID constant to ComDataVersionID
    - added the set of the ComDataVersionID in CLI-Mode this is needed now for the
    new exe
    - added a test of the ComDataVersionID so we are save to use the comdatas
    - added the access to comLong_DestBufferSize to get the programsize this fix
    the problem to get the size on OS4
    - changed the output of the Variabletrace by added "'" around strings and
    spaces to clear old Values
    - deactived the windowborder redraw for all windows this remove the flick on
    every update
    new exe
    - renamed PEDVersionID constant to ComDataVersionID
    new exe

    [r569] by tomsmart1
    - fixed a possible Hit and endless loop if a load error happen with a
    Residents this may fix other hits with the error requester.

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]

    Änderung in AmiBlitz3:

    [r576] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - replaced the string variable search for Add Trace with BASIC code
    - replaced the string variable search on the stack with code that get the
    stack addresses form the Task structur and respect the stack size this fix
    a Hit on AOS4.1FE because the "user stack pointer" is not emulated
    new exe

    [r575] by tomsmart1
    - fix that the PED error requesters show up on PED screen and not on WB Screen
    new exe

    [r574] by derwanderer
    AIDE updates: more complete Preferences, bugfix with free cursor movement, bugfix in AB3 SDK Scanner

    [r573] by tomsmart1
    - changed/fix the disabling of the windows for load and save of source files

    [r572] by tomsmart1
    include PE/wz_ColorWheel:
    - added AOS4.1 path check to open colorwheel.gadget and gradientslider.gadget
    - added optional parameter to function WZ_DrawColorWheel to supress the error
    requester if the gadgets can't open.
    - changed the IDE_setting window handling that only one error shows up if there
    is a problem with colorwheel or the gradientslider gadgets

    [r571] by derwanderer
    Refactored AIDE source and folder structure. You can now invoke several instances of the same file type with different settings, e.g. XML for NTUI xml or arbitrary XML
    Added AREXX file type as a version of C++
    Dos_RunCli puts executable path in quotes (if not already) to work with paths that contain spaces
    NTUI bugfixes (hit when compiling)
    NTUI added ntui_RunAsyncAndNotify that runs an executable asynchronously and send a notify when done

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]

    01.04.2016 Interview mit Marco Möring alias Blackbird im Podcast BoingsWorld Episode 74

    Marco Möring ist langjähriger Programmierer und hat mit AmiBlitz schon viele Projekte realisiert.
    Ob AmiBlitz für Einsteiger, Fortgeschrittene oder auch Profis eine geeignete Programmiersprache ist,
    dazu hat uns Marco in dem Interview seine Einschätzung gegeben.
    Wer immer mal mit dem Gedanken gespielt hat, etwas zu programmieren,
    sich aber nicht festlegen konnte mit welcher Entwicklungsumgebung, sollte definitiv mal reinhören.

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]

    Änderung in AmiBlitz3:

    [r580] (HEAD) by derwanderer
    Updated AIDE (config for several file types)
    Replaced ab3support.library with individual libraries ab3zlib.library and ab3pft.library, more ab3*.library are planned
    Updated NTUI
    Updated Amiblitz to use the new libraries
    Deleted deprecated includes

    [r579] by tomsmart1
    - added functionality to get the Border sizes and Font infos from the Workbench
    - fixed the height and width of the windows
    - changed the default window positions to not hide the Screenbar and the
    Control window
    new exe

    [r578] by tomsmart1
    - changed to ASL font requester and only allow nonproportional fonts
    new exe

    [r577] by tomsmart1
    - added Variable Type check for Del Trace
    new exe

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]

    Änderung in AmiBlitz3:

    [r597] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - added code to fix a null pointer access on CGX Systems at the start of
    new exe (blitzlib)
    - finde out after disassembler it that is was compiled with deactived
    "make small" after recompile with "make small" active it was 39kb smaller
    new exe (blitzlib)
    new AcidLib with the new blitzlibs

    [r596] by tomsmart1
    - added some info
    - added code that was disabled in the old source i found
    - added the code as comment that was in the old source but not in the

    [r595] by tomsmart1
    - replaced some jsr -$xxx(a6) with it function name

    [r594] by tomsmart1
    - added comments form the old org source
    - added empty lines as in th old org source

    [r593] by tomsmart1
    - renamed Labels to the name that is used in a old version o source i found

    [r592] by tomsmart1
    - replaced BlitzlibID with the constand from libnums
    - removed some jet unneeded info form the header
    - rename init and finit routine with doinit and dofinit and added ' to the

    [r591] by tomsmart1
    - replaced blitzlibheader "Dc." with its blitzlib marcos

    [r590] by tomsmart1
    - identified blitzlib "init" and "finit" function

    [r589] by tomsmart1
    - added infos to the Blitzlib header

    [r588] by tomsmart1
    - replaced JSR lab_0+$8000 with ALibJsr Function to get same biltzlib

    [r587] by tomsmart1
    - replaced unknown (sp) with (a7)

    [r586] by tomsmart1
    - add infos

    [r585] by tomsmart1
    - added disassembled switchlib for reconstruction

    [r584] by tomsmart1
    - updated mygadtoolslib to preserv the changes

    [r583] by tomsmart1
    - updated mygadtoolslib to preserv the changes

    [r582] by tomsmart1
    - Userlibs delete double file and move one to disabled becouse it not used
    in DEFLIBS
    - added ACIDLIBS and DEFLIBS subdirectorys
    - moved files to the corosponding subdirectory
    - rename some files to match the result object files
    - delete double files

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • [Blocked Image:…osilver/imageset/logo.png]

    Änderung in AmiBlitz3:

    [r602] (HEAD) by tomsmart1
    - changed subroutines for Memory window to functions
    - changed the background and the Basic Token colours of the DisAssember window
    - fix a zeropage hit that i introdused with the previus commit
    new exe

    [r601] by tomsmart1
    - changed subroutines for Register window to functions
    - renamed and change the Type of some related Variables
    new exe

    [r600] by tomsmart1
    - remove the overwrite of the Borders for DisAsm, Mem , Regs and Var window
    - made Regs window resizeable
    - fixed the display of the DisAsm window
    - fixed the mouse selection in the DisAsm, Mem and Regs window
    - made DisAsm and Regs window usable for OS 4.1FE
    - bumped the Version of the Prefsfile
    - fixed a bug the prevent windows to Open if Regs window was set to auto open
    new exe

    [r599] by tomsmart1
    - fixed the number of functions in the syslib header
    new exe (blitzlib)
    - added infos for the used debuglib functions
    new AcidLib with the new blitzlib

    [r598] by tomsmart1
    - disassembled with the help of ADis
    - rebuild with the help of a old source i found
    - removed unused code
    - changed Bernds "CNIF tasktrap" in that way that
    with #tasktrap = 0 the result lib has none of
    Bernds 2012 changes
    - removed unneeded code from Bernd

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • Hi: I've just registered here. I'm Retrofan from EAB, the author of the AKReal distro.

    I want to update IconMaker by James Stalham that uses ImageConverter by Thilo Köehler. ImageConverter has been updated and when I tried to use it (with FPU), then it complained about ab3support.library. I've searched for it and then I came across with Amiblitz 3 and this thread, and I could see it is included in your pack.

    Adding that library it is working perfect, with a better glow effect of the icons.

    I don't speak a word of german, sorry, so I'm wondering if that's freely distributable and if I can use it in a next update of AKReal.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Thanks HelmutH. I didn't know what role had Thilo about AmiBlitz. It's curious because I recently asked about making a non FPU version of TK Player and he respond telling that first AmiBlitz should had to be changed... I couldn't imagine he already was working on AmiBlitz, .

    He already gave me permission to use his great ImageConverter, so I believe he will agree if I include the update. The question is mostly about the ab3support.library of AmiBlitz3.

    BTW do you think it is possible to create a non FPU AmiBlitz?

  • Hi Retrofan
    Thilo is involved in Image Converter an more other projects, also the includes. That is Thilos part, for AmiBlitz³ is Bernd Rösch and Sven Dröge involved, to my knowledge. To your question, in the AmiBlitz³ forum gives a topic "Warning all programs create with Amiblitz3 need a FPU!!!" to a non FPU version from AmiBlitz³, but this discussion stopped in December 2014. And until now, it is no new information to a non FPU version. In my understanding, from the discussion, is it to much time, to find out the FPU code in the source-code and change it to an non FPU Code. But I hope that someone can give you better information from the AmiBlitz³ programmer team.

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne

  • Thanks a lot. I've asked Bernd Rösch now and he says that's ok. "This is ok, ab3support.library is part of the opensource amiblitz 3 files"

    Yes, about FPU I've heard it has to be very difficult to find all of the code of AmiBlitz that is actually using FPU. That's a pity as it could be used for Amigas with no FPU accelerators, and also the Vampire doesn't have FPU (yet).

    Merry Christmas.

  • Very nice Retrofan, that Bernd Rösch gave you the permission.
    If you are work on a AmiBlitz³ project, please, let us known and added it in the AmiBlitz³ Project topic.
    You can make it there also in english.I'm waiting anxiously for you first entry. ;)

    Gruß Helmut
    Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, AmigaOne