• Far out, Hans!


    "Traue niemals einem Computer, den du nicht aus dem Fenster werfen kannst" (Steve Wozniak)

  • Motivated by the Jolts I wanted to study how the TIM operates.

    So I build a TIM Simulator! Beta 0.1, it is to be a Superjolt, but for now it is just a TIM!

    TIM Superjolt Simulator – Retro Computing (hansotten.nl)

    So everybody can experience the TIM monitor!

    It is a variant of my KIM-1 Simulator, so it has all the same features like Debugger, file up/download. profiler etc.

    btw TIM-1 SBC – Retro Computing (hansotten.nl) is the new location of the TIM-1.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von HansOtten ()

  • Tiny Basic ROM dumped from from the Superjolt runs in the TIM/Superjolt simulator 0.3 beta.

    I also reconstructed the source of this Tiny Basic version, will upload this week. Based upon the sources of the KIM-1 versions.

    It is not exactly the same Basic interpreter IL code as the KIM-1 versions I have, some tiny differences. Studying now what is different.

  • WOW - I would love to run TinyBasic on my TIM-1. Unfortunately, my programming skills have not yet been up to the level of adapting the KIM1 version. But the one from SuperJolt should work (almost) directly. According to your picture, the Basic itself is located from C000 to ????.

    What´s the defined RAM area for Basic ? The lower user RAM area ?

  • Yes, should work. The original Superjolt Tiny Basic I dumped only uses the character I/O of the TIM IC and the breaktest looks at the TIM dataport (B, PB0) 6E02 iirc. And that dumped ROM runs now fine in the Simulator.

    My TIM simulator as it is now is just a TIM IC with RAM at 0000 and up. Tiny Basic stores programs at 0200 and up. It can run with 1K RAM from 0000, upper limit of RAM available is searched for.

    Tiny Basic (and Resident Assembler program) are a 4K ROM at page C C000-CFFF (2x 2716 2K ROMs).

    Set your terminal emulation to 7 bit.

    I have the 6502 source for Superjolt Tiny Basic, will upload this week. I am now studying the Basic interpreter in the IL language that is interpreted by Tiny Basic. An interpreter in a interpreter, Tiny Basic is not fast. No tokenization, so it needs more program space.

    I have not looked yet at the RAP program

  • Das Tinybasic vom Superjolt läuft nun einwandfrei auf dem TIM-1. Zur Einbindung im TIM-1 habe eine zweite Memorycard etwas modifiziert, das sie im Expansion-Bereich ab C000 selektiert wird.

    Thanks again HansOtten for providing manuals and files.

    Ich glaube ich sollte dem TIM-1 noch eine schönere und universeller Memorycard spendieren.

  • When I got a Superjolt with Tiny Basic in ROM, I wanted to find out if that version works and is different from the versions I have dumped from my old KIM-1 cassette tapes.

    So I started a research project into Tom Pittman's Tiny Basic.

    Summary: the TIM/Superjolt version is OK, and nearly identical to the KIM-1 versions.

    Project results:

    - improved scanned manuals

    - original KIM-1 binaries, high and low versions as dsitributed by Tom Pittman reconstructed, with assembler source
    -patched practical version of Tiny Basic (backspace working, annoying padding characters removed, no separate breaktest binary required) for KIM-1 with assembler source
    - Tiny Basic for TIM/Superjolt patched practical version, with assembler source
    - lots of information on Tiny Basic, such as sources of the IL Basic interpreter.

    The patched versions work fine also in my updated KIM-1 and TIM/Superjolt Simulators.

    I found a bug in the TIM ROM source during this project (Which is also in the TIM-2 source).
    The manual has a ; (semicolon) as start of the papertape record, the source I got had this replaced with the nearly identical ':'

    The TIM source on my site is corrected for this.

    Tiny Basic – Retro Computing (hansotten.nl)