Alles anzeigenYour screenshot made me notice another interesting fact regarding different versions of P2.
My P2 (even the late one with the 48 KB DRAM card) has 3 EPROMs on the CPU card and starts with the following screen:
The start message of my P3 (with 64 KB) is actually much closer to your screen (notice "RESET" vs. "Reset", "MOS-3" vs. "CAAP" and top of memory "FFEF" vs. "FFFF"):
This might be a further indicator that 64 KB P2 systems indeed require a different CPU card (and EPROM version), unless there are certain "hacks" as obviously done for @helwie44's system. I think there have been some postings showing P2 CPU cards with only two EPROMs (just as on P3 CPU cards), is this also the case in your system?