Museum tips

  • Hello,

    I have as a long term objective to open my collection to public. Alas, I don't have the resources to do so. I need some piece of advice regarding acquisition of some space to repair/store/display it, as well as early stages of funding. Transporting and storing some of the systems and their documentation is also one of my worries. What could you recommend me?


    When I tried to list all retro systems I have at home, the "The message is too long, must be under 500 characters" error appears! :lol:

  • I can't remember the user names, but I thought there were private collections open to the public at least somewhere in Austria and the Upper Palatinate, so I encouraged jlopez to post here ... I'll try to find the user names I'm thinking about and connect them to this thread.


    NCR DMV/Olivetti M20/ITT 3030/DEC Rainbow 100/Siemens PC-D/OlyPeople/MFA 8085/TA Alphatronic

  • Hey there.

    Yes i openend my collection to public in August 2020. Website

    Luckily i had enough space for my approach at home so i don't have to pay something for the room.



    Bei mir fing alles mit 64kb an.
    C64 und Amiga Fan seit 1986.

    -= =-

  • I have no idea how things are in Andorra. How am I supposed to give any tips? :nixwiss:

    Hoho! 8o

    There are many, many aspects which could be discussed independently of the place. I am trying to find a sponsor, someone who understands why this matters and why it is needed. With a sponsorship I think I could get a place, nevertheless it is not the only way.

    Museums do exist in Andorra as well in other places of the world. What I haven't seen yet in my country is for a single person (or maybe 2) to push the whole project. At the same time, it seems they are so desperate they even executed some nonsensical initiatives such as a "Museum of water"... But it is like if they only listened to some certain people...

    The personal project is what matters. That's why am asking someone who have done it or is trying to, if could give me an insight. As small it could be, I shall appreciate it very much.

    Dear detlef, I see what you have done and sincerely I admire it. I wish I could collect the kind of things you collect and repair in the way you can do. For this very reason 1/13th of your current YouTube subscribers are asking you help with some creative, imaginative piece of advice... ;)

    Always when I pass by an empty large building somewhere the gearwheels in my head also start to turn... But who can afford this?

    I understand you. Many, many offices and buildings are empty. Some have been for many long years, but they prefer them to decay rather than lower prices (both to rent and to acquire). We are currently in the middle of a speculative bubble again. It seems people did not learnt from the 2007/2008 disaster. The minimum renting cost could expect for a very small flat is around >1200€/mo while minimum wage is around 1200€, prior to deducing taxes. Therefore the cost of rent is actually higher than minimum wage which is what most Andorrans actually perceive.

    Every time I pass by large number of empty, dusty offices, even in my very own street I get angry at the current state of things. I have even considered leaving to towns in Alt Urgell and while I had some interesting opportunities in November/December we lost them by mere hours and haven't been able to find anything similar. Who knows...

    Yes, that would be a solution, but in my case it is not applicable. I am not the only inhabitant at home. And this is one of the main reasons I am searching a proper place.

    Still, would you explain me a little how did your experience was, please? The truth is that I am very intrigued... :/

    I guess the best approach would be to contact someone, who already mastered this early stage successfully, like:

    Sure, I will take a look and ask. Thank you! :good:

    I can't remember the user names, but I thought there were private collections open to the public at least somewhere in Austria and the Upper Palatinate, so I encouraged jlopez to post here ... I'll try to find the user names I'm thinking about and connect them to this thread.


    Last but not least, thank you. While I may have thought at it, I would not have dared to. :danke:



    When I tried to list all retro systems I have at home, the "The message is too long, must be under 500 characters" error appears! :lol:

  • Dear detlef, I see what you have done and sincerely I admire it. I wish I could collect the kind of things you collect and repair in the way you can do. For this very reason 1/13th of your current YouTube subscribers are asking you help with some creative, imaginative piece of advice... ;)

    I think you're confusing me with someone else. :grübel:

    Why do you think so?


    When I tried to list all retro systems I have at home, the "The message is too long, must be under 500 characters" error appears! :lol:

  • I did not do so much repairs in the last years and I do not have any YouTube subscribers that are asking for help. ;)

    But you did, and if you had to you would be able to do it again.

    I'm giving some tip/clue. How many are asking and how many do you have? I think you did not get it... read again, please ;)

    When I tried to list all retro systems I have at home, the "The message is too long, must be under 500 characters" error appears! :lol:

  • MIG

    here's forum member MIG 's museum

    NCR DMV/Olivetti M20/ITT 3030/DEC Rainbow 100/Siemens PC-D/OlyPeople/MFA 8085/TA Alphatronic

  • Well, I have to add some crucial infos regarding my private museum:

    1) Space
    The museum is located in an old munincipal buidling (a former school) which stood empty for several years and was not in the condition to be sold or rented. Our mayor is a friend of mine, so I had no trouble to get in touch. The fact, that I serve the local volunteer firedepartment for 30 years now helped as well. I convinced the mayor, that our village needs more public attractions, especially for young people. So he gave me green light. But: I had to do EVERYTHING on my own.
    The munincipal administration can throw me out at any given time.

    2) Finances

    I do not charge my visitors. The museum shall be there for everyone, with or without money. On the other hand, I can use the rooms for little money. I have to pay the bills for electricity and water, and thats it.
    Funds come in through YouTube Ads, YouTube Members, Patreon and donations.

    3) Running the show

    It's all a one-man-show and so it should be.

    4) Insurcane

    ...still havent solved this problem yet by 100% ;)

  • In the beginning you will find lots of help. But if time goes on, the support will drop. Sad but true.

    Yes, I know what you mean. I was observing such a project in early stage, you know it well, and my impression is they want to do their thing, and they do it really well sice a while now, and they need help, but it is anyhow their thing, one would help them only with little chance to really share own ideas.

  • Guter Punkt.

    Ich denke, man muss da unterscheiden. Es gibt Projekte, die man gemeinsam macht (also wo man selber in der Verantwortung und an den Entscheidungen beteiligt ist) und es gibt Projekt, wo man einfach "nur" hilft.

    Ich helfe selber im Technikum29, im Bereich der Fernschreiber. Dort haben wir (die i-Telexer) ziemlich viele Freiheiten im Bereich der Fernschreiber, aber letztendlich wird alles mit den Verantwortlichen abgesprochen. Deswegen nennt sich das auch Helfer. ;)

    Was anderes ist es, wenn man Projekte mit anderen Leuten gemeinsam aufzieht. Dann ist man gemeinsam in der Verantwortung, auch finanziell. Das habe ich auch schon gemacht. Dafür müssen sich natürlich die richtigen Leute zusammenfinden. Räumlich und zeitlich.

    Ich hatte MIG so verstanden, dass er froh ist, dass er das alleine macht und damit auch alleine entscheiden kann. Das war mein Ansatzpunkt. Mich hatte das gewundert, denn mir persönlich haben immer die Projekte am meisten Spaß gemacht, wo man wirklich was gemeinsam macht. Da ich aber selber kein Museum betreiben kann und auch gar nicht möchte, helfe ich sehr gerne im Technikum29. Man muss ja auch nicht was neues anfangen, wenn es schon ein Museum gibt, das technische Unterstützung gut gebrauchen kann. ;)

    Aber man kann es auch keinem Helfer, dessen Herzblut eben nicht an dem Museum hängt und der vielleicht nicht die Möglichkeit bekommt, seine Ideen einzubringen, anlasten, wenn er irgendwann abspringt. Aus welchen Gründen auch immer.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von detlef ()

  • Das eine bedingt bei mir das andere: Ich habe das Konzept des Museums so aufgezogen, dass es mit nur mir als Betreiber funktionieren kann. Und so soll es auch bleiben. Ich will keine Abhängigkeit von einem funktionierenden Team haben.

    Die Ansprüche, die ich an an einen Helfer, oder gar "Partner" stelle, sind hoch und das Hauptproblem hier ist die Lage des Museums. In der Odenwälder Pampa finden sich passende Mitstreiter etwas schwerer, als bspw. im Großraum FFM :)

  • Die Ansprüche, die ich an an einen Helfer, oder gar "Partner" stelle, sind hoch und das Hauptproblem hier ist die Lage des Museums. In der Odenwälder Pampa finden sich passende Mitstreiter etwas schwerer, als bspw. im Großraum FFM :)

    Das ist im Raum FFM auch nicht viel besser. Die Helfer des Technikum29 kommen fast alle von weiter her. Teilwiese aus Stuttgart oder sogar Hamburg.